Sunday, November 22, 2009

.: rain :.

there is something hauntingly beautiful about the rain. it is instant, colorless, wild, comforting, fleeting. i transcended my clear vision to one of blur, the happy accident when rain hits lens. i embraced this moment, and this is the result.

Monday, November 16, 2009

.: spiritualee :.

here is another new image. i shot him for my haight space project, and in fact i have a lot of new images to post for that project but am still editing. spiritualee is a fixture of the haight ashbury, one of those people who you would hope to get the opportunity to photograph. he has amazing style and a strong presence behind the camera. i think i posted other images of him in older posts, but i am completely in love with this one. this image projects spiritualee (his musician name) in so many ways. is it the feather, the braids? the coyote resting upon his head? or is it just the intensity of his expression? we had a lot of fun shooting together, as we always have. i find it especially stimulating to photograph him in his own space because i feel the true character of spiritualee comes out.